BRING THE FOUNTAIN BACK!! It's taken away the most beautiful part of the park! It's funny to me because I always see pictures with the fountain in it and....wah's not even working! They remodeled the whole park and just opened it back up last summer.
I remember before they remodeled, concerts used to be inside the park instead of on the outside corner. Rumor has it they didn't want hundreds of people trampling on the lawn. But, isn't that kinda sorta what a park is about? I think it's great they repaved the trail around the park because it had been falling apart. And pardon me for being anti-preservationist, but I'm glad they took the ditch (ditch being some sort of fort from back in the day) out of the front of the park. I can't imagine how many people accidentally fell in.
I will say the good things are The Three Rivers Arts Festival and Regatta held there. Yay for the chicken on a stick booth! Good things number two is the concerts during the summer, even if I don't like the location. And most importantly good things number three is that we have a park in the city! I wouldn't call it the Central Park of Pittsburgh (that's more reserved for Schenley Park) but it's a nice little back. BUT BRING BACK THE FOUNTAIN!