Bought my first pair of prescription reading glasses and I must say it was a very unsatisfactory experience. I let the white lab coats get the better of me and assumed I was being advised by optical experts who were giving fully informing me about the pros and cons of the choices I was making based on my reading needs. Instead, the only option I was told about was for (the more expensive) progressive lens. These lenses have a miniscule reading area and were worthless to me. To Hakim's credit they let me return my new (useless) glasses for another (much less expensive pair) at no additional cost to me (though the lab coated salesperson did offer me a 60% off deal on a second pair if I would keep the progressives).
Some morals of the story:
1. Don't purchase progressive lenses without doing some research
2. Remember that beneath the lab coats are salespeople who are trained to sell you the most expensive item
3. Maybe the convenience of Hakim's many locations and the seduction of its sales aren't worth it in the end--in the future I will go to someone who will actually explain my options.