I'm a fair skinned girl. I know that, I've accepted it. I don't need some snooty salesperson to point it out to me like it's a disease.
I went into MAC looking for a foundation in my never-ending quest to find the perfect shade for my fair skin. I asked a salesman to colour-match me. "Oh honey!" he says "You're so pale you're going to be our lightest shade, you're like a vampire." Gee, thanks. Nothing like a little blow to your self-esteem to help enhance your shopping experience. I kept expecting him to personally drag me to the nearest tanning salon.
I was too polite to just walk out and proceeded with the process of getting matched. He put liquid foundation, concealer, and powder on me. When I got to look in the mirror I began to think I really did look like a vampire. He'd put so much makeup on me I looked like a cakey ghost. My face was WHITE. As white as if if had been covered with flour. I am FAIR SKINNED, not GHOSTLY WHITE. I have undertones in my skin that are pink, I have a little colour in my cheeks. I look ALIVE. Somehow he'd managed to make me look like a corpse. My neck had visibly more colour in it than the makeup he'd put on my face. It's like he just decided I was white as snow and ran with it, despite the fact that the makeup was clearly too light for me.
I left with nothing and went to sephora instead.