Well--just my luck. My second time here and you are out of so much. God bless our server. She keeps spinning it as you are between "menus". Not sure why you do not have a Chardonnay as a wine option???? Hummmm!
And out of two wines on a list that consists of SIX wines. We ordered 1/2 bird fried. With five sides. Let's hold our breath and see what've gotten ourselves into. Oh-I loved the biscuits last time but tonight you are out OF THE JAM! Dirty rice, slaw, sweet potatoes, mashed and biscuits. Obviously our chicken had been held under a heat lamp. As well the sides. I don't expect you to make my mashed fresh but since fried chicken is one of your SPECIALTY items it should be fresh. And what's up with the tiny little plates? Thanks guys, good luck-I will roll elsewhere. At least I got to eat my chicken tonight--unlike the first night.