A one time haven for tuberculosis patients.
A one time meth capitol of the United States.
A one time skinhead stronghold.
An all-the-time wonderful, delicious, and unique cultural kaleidoscope!
This is where I was born and raised. Once a Sloper, always a Sloper. Ask anyone who has been lucky enough to live nestled against the North Mountain Preserves. Also, we don't appreciate being called sunny slop, so cut it out.
Considerable wealth and considerable poverty live back to back in Sunnyslope...and we all shop together at our sketchy Fry's on Cave creek and Hatcher. You're guaranteed to hear a variety of languages while you browse the produce.
And, sure, you sometimes hear the cacophony of gunfire echoing elegantly through the mountains. And Crackheads On Bikes are a VERY real driving hazard. But Sunnyslope has it all:
-Grinder's: our very own locally owned coffee shop that roasts it's own beans.
-The Community Center: where kids can play basketball and old folks can dance.
-The Sunnyslope Artwalk: art and culture every 2nd Saturday.
-The Humane Society: attempting to control the roaming dog (bred by the meth heads?) population.
-Bomberos: delicious and stylish South American wine bar.
-El Rancho Market: so good, so Mexican, you might forget what country you're in. And the only place I can buy my favorite Mexican candy.
-The canal: on which to jog and in which to fish when the cops aren't watching.
-Sunnyslope Buddhist Center: for enlightenment.
-El Bravo: for the best Tortillas in the city.
-Tacos Jaliscos: for authentic Jaliscan food and authentic mariachi every Sunday.
-The mountain preserve: of course.
See what I mean? Delicious! I love you, Slope.