Randomly, I saw the 10,000th mystere show and got a free keychain on December 27. Before seeing it my impression was that the theme was birds. It was a bunch of random acrobatics with comedy interludes (man-sized baby, an Einstein-looking guy who tossed popcorn and locked up a dude in a box on stage and had a picnic at his girlfriend's seat, and a circus ringmaster who gives rules using an ostrich puppet and speaks in italian-french inspired gibberish).
After letting a more month go by, I'm trying to remember which acts were memorable. My favorite was the group using a see saw to do jumps and land on top of each other like a cheeleading competition. It felt hugh energy and showed fast teamwork. There was some pole acrobatics, a standard swinging trapeze act, a lady doing gymnastics on a curtain, and a couple of dudes who had this eerily gay vibe yet strongman routine where they did gymnastics poses on top of each other. The dude on the bottom did more than just act as a base. He maneuvered in different positions while the dude on top balanced in gravity-defying positions that required super strength.
This show has the cirque du soleil wow factor, but still could use some tuning in the theme so as to tie all the acts together in a storyline like their other shows Ka at MGM or Totem, the traveling show. It gets old seeing contortionists and acrobatics because it starts to feel like street performers who do it just for attention and spare change.