Here's my experience with Justin Time. On February 12, 2016, I was driving near the Hard Rock (NB Swenson turning WB Harmon) when the driver of a truck with Justin Time and their phone number plastered all over its side decided he wanted to be in the lane I was in and when he didn't get into my lane the person in the passenger side rolled down his window and spit on my car. The driver then attempted to ram his truck into my car and then, after forcing his way in front of me, attempted to get me to hit him by brake checking me and slowing down. When I tried to get around him he swerved to prevent me from doing so. When I finally managed to move into the left lane the driver pulled alongside my car with his window rolled down, screaming obscenities and spitting toward my car. This continued until we got to Koval, where he turned right and I continued west.
I called the company to explain what happened and asked for an apology. I'll update if that actually happens.