I had always enjoyed this zoo. However, the sheen is wearing off. The staff is either rude, disinterested or grumpy. The man at the "touch tank" screamed at a little girl because she called a sea star a "starfish." Really? He screamed at my daughter for touching the wrong tank. Here's an idea, World Wildlife Zoo: If you don't want to kids to touch the animals in the "wrong" tank, maybe you shouldn't put it right below the one they ARE supposed to touch. Or you could enclose that part of the exhibit instead of forcing people to constantly police the kids? Never in my life have I seen such an idiotic design. The woman at the other touch tank (stingrays) may have been a statue, as she did not interact with the kids or adults at all and looked like she would rather be anywhere else. At the train, we were kept waiting for 25 minutes until the attendant showed up. (I had to wait, as the parents of the children I was chaperoning had paid ahead of time).I'm sorry, but when I am paying your admission prices, I have very high expectations. What a disappointment.