Staff here seemed pretty apathetic and bored to help out any customers. Sent a large box full of gifts to some friends living in the United States, a couple of years ago. I recall this took almost an hour to get everything packaged and assigned as it was difficult to get any proper help . Unfortunately, the package ended up being lost during delivery. Went back to this Canada Post and I was advised to call 1-866-607-6301 for their customer service line as they didn't want to deal with any escalations face to face. It took me 10 months and multiple phone calls (once every month) after package was sent to be finally re-imbursed for the lost package along with paid postal services as all their customer service reps indicated that some "red tape investigation" was happening every time I called them.
I can't wait for their next seasonal line of stamps featuring the faces of disappointment dealing with Canada Post