The place is an average- sized restaurant and like many of the upcoming ayce sushi places, they've started using iPad menus. Their weekend lunch price for adults is $13.99 which is really good in my opinion (my boyfriend and I ate on a Sunday). For apps, I would HIGHLY recommend their butterfly cheese. It's AMAZEBALLS!! They also have this app called SPICY SALMON ON CHIPS. It's basically spicy salmon topped on a sour cream and onion flavoured Pringle. You would think it sounds strange but when my boyfriend and I ordered it out of curiosity, it was something we didn't regret! It was a pretty creative and tasty dish if you ask me. Their sushi was very fresh though their sushi rice was more on the sticky side but I quickly forget that fact when eating their seafood. And out of all the ayce sushi places I've been to, they have THE BEST bbq eel fried rice. Usually, that dish would taste and smell really fishy that I can never finish the small portion. But 520 does a really good job making it! Kudos to the chef!
The only downside would be that I don't think they have enough staff to accommodate all the patrons that flood the place. Their gaining a very good rep but I don't think their staff can keep up at such a small number. Another thing is that we keep getting food we didn't order... But then again, why would we complain about that, right? 4 spicy salmon rolls!! I would definitely come back for more :D