I love malls! Grew up going to malls. Come from the place of Mega- Super- malls!
Okay...it's a mall, there's no real big whoop about it! But if you are hanging out with friends who want an urban indoor hike...this is the place to go...the terrain is hard to navigate as they have many a paths to take...the micro habitats were fun and interesting to visits...the watering hole aka food court was enjoyable and they have my favorite hot dog on a stick...really who doesn't like meat on a stick breaded and deep fried!
Spent most of the time in Macy's but did manage to go around most of the mall.
We opted to feed ourselves silly at the Cheesecake factory...and people wonder why Americans are so fat! I'll review this in depth at another time.
So for a shopping fix...Chandler Fashion Center satisfies.
My rec...never venture alone in a mall...always bring your friends who can give you a critical eye but won't buy the same things as you!