Full disclosure: I've only seen some of these artifacts at the owners' home.
Needless to say, Steven and Jillian are both very well versed in the 'witchy arts' and have been studying the esoteric for a long, long time. They happened upon the Buckland collection, and as they're both museum purveyors at their "day jobs", they were able to pitch the museum idea to the collection owners. These artifacts shouldn't be hidden away; they should be seen by the world at large! And the collection owners agreed. The items were carefully cataloged and now are rotated through the quaint Tremont location.
So there ya have it: The Buckland Gallery of Witchcraft & Magick.
This little museum is Steven's life-long dream. People from around the world have been 'popping in' and I am over the moon about this. If you find yourself in Cleveland, it's worth a visit when you're eating and drinking near Tremont. Eat. Drink. Magick. Repeat.