Did the bubble run this morning with my husband, son and friends from work. The good company I had made up for how awful the actual run is.
Poorly organized just zigzagging around the parking lot of Sam Boyd stadium. The surroundings were boring. There were fewer bubble stations than I expected and thank goodness because there was so much bottlenecking at them that it made it impossible to get through. People stopping to take selfies, kids stopping to play in the bubbles, etc. It might work better if they had two lanes... one for stopping and one for walking or running straight through.
At one of the bubble stations a gate had fallen below the suds and my friend and I tripped on it! The kid manning that station did a horrible job warning us and we tried to get around people who were just stopped playing, which is when we fell.
The parking was 10 dollars (to park on dirt and gravel). Luckily a friend has an apartment nearby so we parked at her place and walked. The traffic control around the general area after the race was awful... cars weren't yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks and the pedestrians were coming in droves, so it's no wonder cars wanted to plow us down.
I won't sign up for this run in the future.