| - Mmmmmm Jamba Juice. If you haven't been to one of the MANY locations I suggest you crawl out of that cave and dust yourself off because you are missing out on one of the treats around! Cold and smooth, these smoothies will hit the spot on one of those RARE hot Arizona days.
My suggestions are the Strawberry Surfrider or Pink Star if you're into tartness, and the White Gummi if you're not. Before you start to staring at the menu with a look of confusion on your face the Pink Star and White Gummi are on the "secret menu" (with the internet is anything really "secret" though?). A quick search will bring up something like 40 different "secret" flavors, but to save you the hastle:
Pink Star- lemonade, soymilk, raspberry sherbert, frozen yogurt, sorbet and fresh strawberries
White Gummi- peach juice, soymilk, pineapple sherbet, raspberry sherbet, orange sherbet, frozen mangoes and ice.
Now I'm no fan of soymilk, but I don't mind it in the smoothies. But it's also worth mentioning that they will substitute items for you, in case something sounds good to you except for the banana, soymilk, or what have you.