Pelmeni's Russian Dumplings are the best thing to come out of Russia since Gorbachov's birthmark.
From a foodways standpoint, this place is a goldmine of genuine cultural fusion:
Handmade RUSSIAN dumplings meets two dips (sour cream and the CHINESE-rooster hot sauce) with a dash of INDIAN curry powder on top. Best of all, this is a invention of the folk, not some academic chef.
From a utilitarian standpoint, this place is bliss:
The simple ordering-style puts chipotle to shame. Nothing but dumplings. Here are your options: potato/beef/half-half dumplings, spicy/notspicy half/full order. All for $5/$7. And you get a carbonated beverage too. I recommend Squirt.
From an addicts standpoint, this place is dangerous:
I crave this stuff. It's addictive. Dumpling crack.