If you are at the Angry Crab Peoria, find the table near the back... I drew a picture of Kylo Ren from Star Wars: The Last Jedi wearing no shirt. You'll see it easily.
Anyways, there are tons of these kinds of places in LA, so I figured why not. We ordered a bunch of the steamed food - crab legs and shrimp. Also ordered alligator because I wanted to try it. Or, was it crocodile. It was one of them- and taste like chicken. The good is pretty good if you are craving a lot of seafood and fast.
Don't get the beans. They are messy as f. I should have gotten coleslaw. Anyways, the price is a little high, but I expected it from here because I live near an ocean in LA so it's cheaper. So, I feel like it was a fair price for being in Arizona.
Standard. Nice service.
Very laid back and bro-y. It's loud and public, but it's fine. Fun for partying.