At midway nissan have to get my truck fixed. So I dropped it off at the service department. Walked out to the front of the dealer to wait for my wife to pick me up. While sitting here there is 3 sales people standing under a shade tent. As there are a few customers roaming around. A few new customers came in and the sales guys just sat here. And are making rude comments about a new customer and how fat she is. And instead of going to help they let some one else help her and was laughing at the person that decided to help her. Also speaking in Spanish thinking no one can understand what they are saying. I am a white person that speaks fluent Spanish and know everything they was saying about the customer. I would never buy from this dealer because of these 3 guys. And sad thing is if my truck can't be fixed I would need a new truck
Guess I will find a more customer friendly dealer if I need a new truck. These guys are disgusting.