Canned sauce, canned everything, mushy doughy dough. Blech. Garbage.
I have always been amazed that for years all the Barro's locations seem to rake in far more dough then they deserve considering the food is so darn mediocre.
This cardboard is one step above frozen - barely.
These are the conveyor belt pizzas that bite the dust - they don't taste yummy either. Where is Lucille Ball and Ethyl when you need them!
Some reviewers seem to like these pies because they remind them of their childhoods.
OK, well maybe your photo album would taste better with a little canned sauce and packaged mozzarella cheese on it?
If Phoenicians think these pies are the bomb, then maybe it has something to do with the wacky politics here - I dunno. I don't get it?
Am I being a pizza snob?
Look, if you have super low expectations and compare these on a par with Dominos or Pizza Hut, then these might be considered fantastic pies by comparison.
For my taste, I try to stay stay away from any Barros anywhere. Yuck.