The last time I saw the Blue Man Group was many years ago, back when they were at the Luxor. This was my first Vegas show experience and I was very impressed. I figured that 8-9 years later the show would change quite a bit, but much of the content was very similar to before.
There were some entertaining and funny parts, but there were also some parts that were pretty boring and I found myself getting sleepy. The "paper" finale didn't seem to have as much "wow" factor from the first time I saw it...seemed like we had a lower volume of paper this time, or maybe it was because I was seated at the middle of the theatre last time and this time I was on the side. A few of the lit streamers that dangled from the ceiling malfunctioned too so we didn't get the full effect of that.
It was a good thing though that I was with the girls, so at least I had great company. It was a better thing that we saw 2 shows that night...I've also seen "Phantom" before, but it was much more entertaining than this show.