FOOD POISONING!!! - My first time ordering from this restaurant was on a very lazy and hungry day where I wanted food delivered to me. This showed up on Yelp for delivery services. Took a peek at some pictures and decided to order the Chicken Parmesan with pasta and the Linguini Fisherman. The gentleman who took my order had decent customer service and the food was delivered to my house within 30 mins.
After tasting both dishes, I honestly thought what I ordered was just ok. Didn't hit the spot but it helped the empty stomach I had and probably would of kept me full for the rest of the day.
A couple of hours later my stomach started cramping severely and out came the vomit and well.. everything else that comes with the territory.
This was the first time in my life where I've EVER had this happen to me. My GF came helping me after her finding me in fetal position on my bathroom floor. I didn't know wether if I should of went to the hospital or if I should just ride it out. I decided to ride it out and save myself from unwanted expensive hospital bills. I pretty much was stuck in my bathroom the remaining night. I would NEVER write a bad review unless it was necessary. This is a SERIOUS incident that left me crying and in A LOT of pain.
I wanted to see if anyone had the same incident to help me decide wether I should say anything about the food. So I started going through the reviews and saw that there were a few who have WITNESSED many health code violations in person. There was one review stating where the cook touched raw chicken and continued to touch pots and pans. Another incident where they saw the cook running his fingers through his hair numerous times and then touched bread with his bare hands. One where a cook stuck his fingers in his mouth to grab food from his teeth and Whattada know.. One review where the SAME dish was ordered and left a woman in the emergency room for FOOD POISONING! Is this the same cook or are all of them unsanitary?!!
The fact that these people have seen these things in person doesn't surprise me that whoever prepared my meal would be completely careless and unsanitary to food that are being delivered to homes (people) away from eyes witnessing it first hand.
I WILL NEVER SUGGEST NOR COME BACK TO THIS PLACE EVER AGAIN. And I truly feel sad that this is located in a nice area like Southern Highlands. Major disappointment.Please be careful if you eat here. You never know what else goes on in the kitchen and if you could be the next person to go through this.