I'm a documentarian/camera woman and my shoulders have been rock hard for years now as a result of carrying the camera into action. At the first sign of stress my shoulders tighten up like THING (on Fantastic Four). Not a very feminine feeling or look, but I chalked it up to a small consequence for a great career. My mom bought me a Massage GROUPON for Mothers Day 2015, she felt like I could use it -- a few weeks ago I redeemed the voucher. I was assigned to a small framed (maybe 110 lbs) masseuse named Christina. For 60-minutes she leaned into me using her forearms, hands and body to manipulate my knotted up muscles. Afterwards she recommended we do a series of treatments to help dismantle the brick wall that has taken over my shoulders. Christina recommended I visit once a month for an hour massage and the price quoted for maintenance was significantly lower than the usual price for an hour massage -- signed up. Initially (and ever so briefly) I was thinking 'a years commitment seemed a bit much for a little tension (brick wall),' but then I thought, 'What the heck! I'm worth it.' I'll be having another appt. with Christina tomorrow and I couldn't be happier about it. Every time my shoulders get close to acting like they want to tighten up, I whisper, "Don't make me call Christina," and the tension subsides. STRUCTURA BODY THERAPIES in Chandler seems to be the real "muscle manipulation" deal and I'm loving the maintenance so far. Over the next 12-months I'll be sure to drop in and YELP updates. In fact, I'm looking forward to it. #ByeByeRockShoulders and no more feeling like Ms. THING.