Picture it, me wandering around a store I have no reason to be in, looking for an item that I have no idea what it is, and being able to make it out alive. That was the scene.
I came here to pick up a gift. Only having the name of the item I set out. What really irked me about this is that I wondered completely around the store when I should have just started to round the store the other way. In fact that would have been where customer service would have came in, but alas that did not happen. The employees were either busy behind the counter or looking too bored to be there.
When I did finally find the item I came for I made it right to the counter. Before ringing it up I made sure that what was on the paper was in my hand. I was assured that it was and congratulated on getting the right item. Damn right you should have congratulated me, I did all your work.