I have been going to Alta Vista for years, and at first the service was great, but expensive.
The last few years I feel its completely $$ money driven. The doctors are always changing - I rarely ever see the same doctor twice and the service level has gone down hill.
I took my German Shepard there last Wednesday 08/20/14 for suspected pyometria of uterus. She was 12 1/2 yrs old - After blood tests and x-rays and a vet I've never seen before saying "this shouldnt be there on the x-ray" and "Her blood work shows infection" ETC... , he opened her up and still didnt see the cancer ? WTF ? He didnt check her blood for the it either.
They had to do emergency surgery for $1800 - they werent going to do the surgery cuz I didnt have the cash. After I voiced my concerns about how long I had been a customer with my 12 dogs and I had put down $800 I was allowed to make payment for the rest. Yesterday I had to take her back because my dog was vomiting all night and she has cancer !!! 1 WEEK LATER !!! WTF ??? and I had to put her to sleep? They never bothered to check her for cancer at her age, just handed me a bill for services for the pyometria. If they had bothered to check her X-RAY, OPENED ABDOMIN AND BLOOD WORK - I last week I would have put her down then instead of making her suffer for another week and another $338.
Also one my other dogs has grass allergies, every year she breaks out on her skin. I take her in and its always $300 - $400 to treat Symptoms. I dont take her in anymore and I told the staff last year I thought I was wasting my money to treat recurring symptoms whne they havent been able to treat the actual problem.
I'm gonna start looking for another vet for my remaining 11 dogs. I'm very disappointed in Alta Vista.