What else do you want from a couple of gals just trying to provide a service? Wait you want them to be nice?? No way.
You know what my favorite thing about Low Down Cafe is. They just are themselves. They want to be a little grumpy, fine. They are going to be a little grumpy. If they want to continually make fun of a friend I go with, they will. I love that. We aren't here to impress, we are here to get you some food and a laugh. I feel like I'm back east.
The food is great here. I order a creation called the Chicken Adobo (not found on the menu) which has chicken, avocado, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and special sauce.
The delight of the meal comes afterward. This is probably the best chocolate chip cookie in town. It's about the size of a hockey puck, and if you are lucky you will be able to get it fresh out of the oven (a little big warm and gooey).
I'm a big fan of the Low Down Cafe. Just don't tell any one about it. Too many people already know.