I have always been weary and unsure about putting my son's care in anyone hands. yes, i am that mom. Putting my son in the care of the Lighthouse staff has been nothing but the best. His first teacher's were Ms. Jamie and Ms. Alex were awesome. I knew from the get go, that I could count on them if i needed anything or had any concerns. Soon after my son grew a bond with his teachers and excelled socially with his classmates. It warmed my heart to see him super excited to learn and play with his friends. When it was time to move up into his pre-k class yet again, I was nervous. But once I saw him blossom more and more it reassured me that I made the right choice. Ms. Vickie and Ms. Brittany did a great job preparing him for kindergarten. Now my son is reading and writing better than ever. The girls have been nothing but a blessing. :)