The union is a giant bluff. All it's good for is for companies like MGM to follow basic rules so you don't get fired easily, but if you ever have an actual grievance then good luck with that. Union reps don't answer emails or phone calls in a timely manner, make all kinds of promises that they will get your case arbitrated and get an attorney and then disappear. Try to go up the ladder to the reps boss and you will leave voice message after voice message with no call back. It is truly as if these people working at Union literally just go in to collect a salary off your union dues but don't know what they are doing and don't care. I would never pay the union any part of my wages ever again after seeing how they operate. Federal laws would protect one just as well, or you could work somewhere non-union like The Venetian or Palazzo (which are great places to work.) I've had a case, with three others, that union was supposed to help with and after over a year have done NOTHING. I have asked around if anyone knows someone that Union has actually helped and no one seems to actually know a person where Union followed through on their promises. Union is just a giant scam to get your money.