hide your kids, hide your wife cause everybody is getting f***ed over at York U
jesus christ i'm on my year off and i'm SO reluctant to go back. but i have one year left so i'm gonna pull through it.
seriously though trust me you don't even want to know the reasons but he's a little poem
why you shouldn't study at YorkU?
let me tell you this place is doodoo
they steal all your money
they charge you for honey
if you want anxiety
or depression entirely
go to york
80% chance you'll stab yourself with a fork
a large corporation
who don't have the patience
to listen to your problems
if you got em' you solve em
that should be their slogan
2 hour commute with one token
so for your personal safety and mental health
please don't go, they only want your wealth
so i leave on a note, because i truly am blue
so to York University, I say F*** You :)