| - Come here on a Saturday about 9:30pm. Order the soup and salad bar because I was not all that hungry, and I wanted the chili.
First of all, I stand to get seated for about 5 minutes. Then the hostess takes me to the table. 5 more minutes and not a waiter/waitress in sight. Finally the hostess
comes to get my drink order, and I order the soup and salad bar. She tells me I can go up.
First thing I see is that there are no spoons or serving implements on many of the buffet dishes. A few salad plates, and a few cups for the soups. But there is chili.
So I make a salad with the few serving implements there, and get a bowl of chili.
First off, the chili was hot. Not seasoning wise...temperature wise. Ok. But I was able to eat just two spoons of it. It tasted like someone dumped ten pounds of salt in it. Inedible. I then noticed them taking everything off the buffet. No one said the buffet was closing, or that they were changing it. And while serving myself, this mysterious unknown waiter brought me this flat Coke. So you can't get more soup...or salad...and I look at the buffet on the way out of the restaurant, and they just brought out fruit....and no serving spoons. You kidding me???
So I eat my salad and the hostess comes over and says "Has your waiter been over?" I answer "Who would that be?". She runs off to find this person. Finally another waitress comes over. I order another Coke. Never offered anything else, and I was still hungry.
Another ten minute wait to get the check. I paid, and I left a $ 1.00 tip. Hopefully some ghost that works there got that. Because I will be dead before I think of coming back.
I used to like Eat n' Park. But these last few trips to their restaurants make me think they are not long for this world if they keep this up.
Good thing that Speedway Café was open so I could get some real food in me.