| - I'm just not feelin' this place. The concept of Bloom is to be this forward-thinking, modern grocery store that caters to all budgets and "styles" of shoppers. In reality it's nothing more than your run-of-the-mill grocery store. Nothing special AT ALL in my opinion.
For me, the two areas they suffer/lack most are in their pricing and service. Around the corner from my house is a Lowe's Foods and a Harris Teeter is just down the way, and I find Bloom's pricing to be pretty much the same as those two more 'upscale' stores. At least for the items we buy. And selection is by far inferior to the other two. As far as service goes, especially with such comparable pricing (and call it snootiness if you will!), I just don't like having to unload my own cart. As horrible and cheesy and lazy as that sounds (it's ok, I can embrace them all!), I pay pretty much the same at the other guys & receive more 'attentive' service, plus I find the staff @ Lowe's and HT to be MUCH more knowledgeable, helpful, and FRIENDLY.
I really don't find the quality of food (produce, meats, etc) to be any better than the other guys either, so what exactly is there to entice me to shop at Bloom? There's no Food Lion around my house, but I know they can be a tad sketchy at times (generally speaking), so maybe that's their only claim to fame. But if you're going to be priced the same as Lowe's and HT with inferior quality products AND mediocre service, then what exactly do you have to offer other than those little handheld scanners? Sorry, that isn't enough to bring me in.
So, in the end, if I'm looking for low/cheap prices, then I'll head down the way to SuperTarget or Wal-Mart. Otherwise I'm sticking to Lowe's since they give me everything I need & I usually end up with pretty good deals using my Lowes Rewards card. Of course HT fulfills my sweet tooth when I'm dying for a dozen fresh Krispy Kreme donuts!! :)~