I was referred to Century 23 by the Apple Store inside the forum shoppes at Caesars Palace to replace the hard drive on my Mac Pro laptop. Apple Store could have done it for $166.00. But they insisted that Century 21 could do it cheaper and retrieve my property off of my old hard drive. I was reluctant to leave but the sales guy at forum shoppes insisted that I go see them. I arrived at Century 23 and they charged me $47.50 deposit at drop off but when I came in to pick up and pay for my new hard drive I was not credited my deposit to my balance due of $144.91. In essence I ended up paying Century 23, $192.41 without retrieving my property off of my old hard drive. As a result I ended up paying more money because the Employee at the forum shoppes insisted I go to Century 23. The Apple Store inside forum shoppes do not want to take responsibility for sending me to Century 23 who charged me more money. And beware Century 23's mandatory deposit is a non refundable deposit. The deposit will not be credited to your balance due for the work performed nor will they refund the deposit if they are unsuccessful at fixing the issue you came in there for. This is possibly a scam to divert business from the Apple Store inside the forum shoppes to Century 23.