This review if for my experience at Chanel and not for entire Saks Fifth store at Biltmore.
Recently I decided I need to splurge on myself and get a Chanel bag. When I walked in the store there were 4-5 SA. I could feel their stares up and down while they played with their smart phones. I was ignored as I looked around the room to catch someone to make an eye contact with me. It took me 30 seconds to get someone to look at me. 1 customer and 5 Associates and they were all trying to pass on me. I am a well dressed person, may not look like a millionaire, but I was shocked at the behavior. The entire team made me feel as if I am a loser with no place in a high end store such as Chanel! The girl who ended up helping me warmed up to me in the end when I spent $3,400 in their store. I think all these people to find new jobs, since you dont sell because someone has money, you sell because you make someone feel special in carrying that purse. Everyone has money, its just that they have different priorities.