| - Stay away from this typical scam, Amerikan hospital operation. I know, the Mayo is great at its advertising as the premier hospital in America. And yes, they do have a pianist to entertain the sick, nervous and dying in the lobby. That is the only difference from the Great Amerikan Medical Flim Flam operation.
The Mayo is run like a business like every other hospital in this dying empire. Profits, more profits and insane profits count in that fraud joint.
Like all the other Hospital Bucket Shops in the Empire, it is run by administrators and executives who make high six figure and seven figure salaries. They do no work whatsoever, but they mandate workloads that rival press gangs on old Navy Clipper ships.
The doctors and nurses work long, very long hours. It is not uncommon to have doctors that are dealing with close to a hundred patients under their care! This is the same with US Military hospitals. Why is it so hard to talk to available doctors and nurses there and get the pertinent information?
The hospital staff are literally shoved into workhouse workloads - which will soon send them to the hospital too! The doctors are paid well at least.
I had a family member go through a routine 'procedure.' This was not a procedure - but a major surgical operation. The anesthesia almost put the family member under and it took a long time for the family member to wake out of that dosage. Then, the family member got even more ill after the surgery! What happened? The family member received a serious hospital infection - which again, almost put the family member under... A day hospital visit turned into a two week critical condition. Finally, the bedridden patient was dosed with nasty antibiotics that debilitated the body greatly. It must have killed the good bacteria in the body too.
Mayo's negligence was incredible. I know that this happens in all Amerikan profit making, medical death wards, or 'hospitals,' but the Mayo is the one that advertises its differences from the rest of health banks.
What business charges the customer for their negligence? The Amerikan Hospital Ponzi Scheme is the only business that performs such vile practices. The Mayo is no different from the other Hospital Corporations.
And by the way, the food in the cafeteria will also make you sick - it is mostly GMO laced crap. You've been warned.