I got there before 7 on Wednesday, Sept. 17 to set up my voter registration table. I'm a volunteer for Barack Obama. We sign up anyone who wants to register, regardless of party preference.
Already a crowd was beginning to accumulate for the 8 a.m. opening. I hit 'em with "Register to vote!" Mostly they give me blank looks, shake their heads, or the "stare ahead." A surprising number smile and say "Already have! Thanks!" Others stride purposefully toward my table, ready to fill out the form.
By 7:30 there were at least 50 people lined up. What happened next amazed me.
A group of DMV employees emerged from the building and began talking to each person in line, finding out the purpose of the visit and giving them a number. Contrast this to the typical bureaucrat attitude we're all used to: I'll serve you when I'm damn good and ready (if I feel like it).
The office closes at 5 p.m. If you're a minute late, think of this: 5 means 5. Don't take it out on the security guard, as I saw some people do. You're not special. No one has to make an exception for you, cut you a break. You're just a pathetic person who couldn't get it together to be there by 5. Deal with it.
That afternoon I attended Barack's rally at the ballpark. It was a beautiful day.
Last day to register is Oct. 4.