Good Foot Store !! Don't believe all those commercials on tv where people were so much in foot pain until they went to the foot store and got instant gratification. Also notice those so called testimonials are professionally done ,by people in professional attire , lights action camera setting and rehearsed over and over again. Give them a Oscar.They will bait and switch you to the different insoles . These people have no schooling to be knowledgeable to know what/or why you're having foot problems .There is NO refund to these high priced hard plastic insoles as much as almost 300. and higher. They'll tell you it's custom made for your foot . Die laughing!!If they do work like they say, why would you not get a refund if it .does not work. You should really see a Podiatrist ( also will be much cheaper than going to the feet store)to get a professional diagnosis of your problem ( you could have arthritis,fracture, nerve issue etc. Or go to Amazon and buy a insole from a company called Redi-Thodics podiatrist recommended for 45-50.00. if you think you don't have a serious med issue.With Amazon they have a return policy You could also buy Dr, Scholls at Walmart and be better off with a better insole than what you would get at the Good Foot Store with a return policy..Don't say you weren't warned !! Remember NO Refunds and after you use those hard plastic like insoles for awhile hoping it will help ,you'll know why ! . BUYER BE WARE!!!!