A cut below the other staples in Vegas. I prefer Craftsteak and STK over SW Steakhouse. Service goes without saying because when you pay 60-70 dollars for a ribeye you expect the service and presentation to be great so I can't consider this as a value added.
Of course what I can critique is the steak. I got the bone in Ribeye and only the first bite (near the fat before the marbled portion) was succulent. With each successive cut the ribeye began drying up in my mouth. Typically I judge a good ribeye from the first to last bite being oozing w/ juiciness--not the case here.
The sides left much to be desired. Nothing special and nothing that can't be found at a buffet.
Winelist was good, again was expected when you're spending this kind of money. $144 was my total tab and I have to say that
1) STK
2) Craftsteak
3) Vic & Anthony's
Will all be a better "Tasting"/Dining experience.