I got there around 5 and was one of the only ppl in the restaurant. I wanted something to go so the hostess (very politely) sent me to the bar. The guy took my order and promptly brought me my beer and check and never spoke to me again. 20ish minutes later I saw someone bring a bag out and set it on the bar. I figured it was someone else's food since the bartender (who was engrossed in conversation) didn't bring it to me. After several minutes the bartender broke from his conversation and brought me the awaiting bag. All in all it was about 30 minutes from ordering to giving the food to me (in a mostly empty restaurant). When I got the steak home and cut into it, it was mostly brown with a hint of red in the very middle. I ordered it medium rare which the menu said would be mostly red with a hint of pink.
I guess the moral of the story is to not order food at the bar and/or cut into your steak before you take it away because it may be WAY over done. And honestly if you're gonna order $20 something dollars worth of steak, what's the point in cooking out all the deliciousness?!