| - From a renters stand point this was by far THE WORST property management company to deal with. I believe it to be a combination of a cheap landlord and an even cheaper management company. During my rental period I experienced just about every appliance break. In the lease from Epronet they require the tenant pay the service call fee not to exceed $100.00. I didn't think much of this in the beginning because I expected things to be in good working condition. Boy, was I wrong. I probably spent close to $500.00 on service fee calls. Rachel Yu was my first property manager and she doesn't answer email, phone calls, or text messages in a timely manner. During my rental period I was given a new property manager Angela Ong. She too, does not answer email, text, or phone calls in a timely manner.
When things would break, I felt Epronet was dispatching unlicensed contractors to fix. I've never understood the phrase "Skip over a dime to pick up a nickel" until I lived it. I had a gas leak in my house from the water heater for more than a month before anything was done about it. The water heater had also been improperly installed and caused the garage to burn pretty severely. Very scary considering when I hired someone to come look at it I was told the house should be condemned. Now as a homeowner I could NEVER imagine allowing Epronet to manage my property.
In addition to the water heater, the garage, washer & dryer, toilets, dishwasher, all had to be worked on more than once.
Also, when I moved out Epronet tried to charge me $650.00 to have the town-house painted. This made me laugh, in my original lease it started the house WAS NOT freshly painted. Thankfully I had the pictures from previous MLS listings and pictures I took before moving in and pictures of exiting. I threatened Epronet, Rachel Yu, and Angela Ong with a lawsuit. Do your research renters and landlords, stay away!!!
Since moving out, the town-house has been re-rented even while the water heater (to my knowledge) continues to burn the inside of the garage. I've made a call to City of Henderson Fire Inspectors to handle.