It started out great... I wasn't carded. Which is nice since in the city limits of Tempe it seems to be the thing to do.... and at 42 it gets a little embarrassing to be pulling a photo of myself from back in 1995 out of my wallet. So the bouncer gets points for common sense. No cover charge and four bands tonight. It was a young crowd but not annoying more laid back. I found a seat at the bar (score.) The bar tenders were busy but nice and everyone seemed to be in a good mood... but that could have been the sea of Pabst Blue Ribbon (I think I was the only person there not holding a can.) I almost felt as if I were in a PBR commercial. There were some cute young men that seemed very smart with their earplugs. My ears are still ringing as I write this. I went to see Source Victoria and they rocked the house. I didn't drink anything so I didn't visit the restroom but since the ladies is next to the stage I did get a nice view as the girls ran in and out... it looked fine. So despite not drinking and staying up way past my bedtime I still enjoyed myself and for a "dive" bar I felt pretty safe going there. Parking is ample, people are nice, free to get in, easy access to the freeway to zip back downtown. Not bad for a Saturday night.