I used a Groupon coupon to try the Arizona Republic paper on Sundays. Get a couple of coupons, local news, some longer articles to read over a relaxed Sunday breakfast. What an eyeopener! Who knew a major city newspaper could be so bad. It's just dreadful. Very little content, almost all of it straight from the news wires. Complete waste of time. After a few weeks it went straight into the recycle bin and I am very happy with my New York Times Sunday subscription.
Then the nasty letters started. Seems they assumed I would want more than what I ordered with the coupon and blind billed me. And to cancel the Arizona Republic you have to send by registered mail a notarized signed legal instrument two months in advance saying you don't want their rubbish rag. Groupon has gotten a lot of complaints about the papers billing, and Groupon has been kind enough to refund my money for the coupon. A year later the Arizona Republic is still threatening to send $14.75 they say I owe them to a collection agency. Nice.
So run away from this truly terrible trash of newspaper.