| - I remember this place when it was very hippie dippie and one could find all sorts of almost impossible herbs, spices,or ingredients to make one's own lotions and potions;all encased in huge glass jars. This is no longer so, there appears to have been a change in management/direction over the years,now there is no longer as much stock or choice. No longer can one find the "almost impossible to find"here. That being said,one can still find and buy by weight: coffee, a limited variety of teas/tisanes,herbs,spices, grains, chocolate covered nuts,raisons,snack foods, baking ingredients,and liquid soaps,detergents,shampoos,and conditioners;as well as olive and vegetable oils,nut butters and honey. The fun has gone out of shopping there (for me, as I preferred it the way it used to be), but to get the basics by weight; little, or a lot, this is still one of the go -to stores. There is a 10% discount for the 60 plus and students.