| - I did my undergrad in English at York University. The worst part of this university is the administration. They don't have nearly enough staff to handle the student population, which results in lost documents and long line-ups. I've been blocked by red tape, been given the wrong advice from guidance councilors, and even been penalized for things that weren't my fault. I know such things happen regularly at every university, but when your University is known for it? Not good. (It's called getting York'd, by the way)
As with any university, the teachers vary as well. I've had professors who genuinely care about their job. These are the professors who deserve their job. However, more often then not, there are the professors who don't care about their students; they're unavailable and just read off the slides in class.
Also, the strike a few years back didn't do anything to help the university. What used to be on every students top 10 list would probably not make the top 15, now. I know a lot of parents are cautioning their children NOT to go to York. Unfortunately, York is now suffering from the "too big to care" syndrome in which they're so successful that they've largely ceased to care about their students. There are dedicated staff, but these are become a rare occurrence lately.
Overall, the university is, at best, average. It's certainly not getting any better.