| - I had high hopes for this place since I read the Yelp reviews first, but I am extremely unhappy with the service we received and I will not return. I am not a person who gets angry easily and I'm not a person to give low reviews very often either but this is ridiculous.
I have a small little pound puppy who I've had for a little over a year. He's not actually a puppy, but a 10 year old dog who's appearance leads me to think he's had a rough life. When I adopted him I vowed to make his last years, better than his first.
I took him to this hospital over my first choice because they could get me in sooner. We walked in and the place seemed ok at first. They went through the typical protocol of weighing him and asking the general questions about him, and the wait wasn't too terrible.
Once our vet came in, I told her all the problems my little guy has had, and she just didn't strike me as being very compassionate. He is extremely itchy and chewing off his fur, and she said it's most likely allergies. We told her that sometimes we have been itchy and so are the cats, and she said, "That sounds like a personal problem."
Ok first of all... I can't believe she would talk to a customer like that. I'm coming to her for her help not to be criticized. I just felt she treated us very poorly in general and I've already spent a couple thousand dollars at the vet in Ohio trying to figure out what's going on with him, still with no answers.
She decided to test him for allergies, which meant they'd draw his blood and send it off for outside allergens and food allergies. I was told I'd hear back in a week with the results.
A week passes, and no call. I wait one more day and still no call, so finally I call them. They put me on hold and pass me around, and finally I'm disconnected. ARGH. So, I call them back and once again I'm passed around and put on hold forever and finally someone answers as if they didn't realize I was holding in the first place. I tell them I'm calling for my pup's results and it takes a minute to get them again.
Once she pulls them up he is apparently allergic to basically everything...grass, dust, certain trees etc. But, oops... they FORGOT to run the food panel!!! She informs me that I can bring him back in once again for more blood to be drawn so they can do the food panel, and then I can buy a serum that he has to be injected with weekly for 3 months to POSSIBLY help his allergies.
So let me get this straight, I'm supposed to buy this before you even run the food panel on him? My dog is itching to the point of pulling out his own fur and it could be that I'm simply feeding him something he's allergic to. Yes, he's still allergic to that other stuff but to inject him with something that may or may not work is crazy to me. Besides the point, that the first visit alone cost me over $500!!! The medicine is supposed to be $187 for a 3 month supply. They gave him a cortisone shot which I was pretty much against anyways because he'd already had one, and it didn't work! Well, lo and behold... this second one didn't work either. UGH.
I know I'm not a vet, but I'm not stupid either. I know what works on my dog and what hasn't. I am just extremely frustrated, with a little guy who's had a tough run at life and I'm trying to improve his outlook while not spending my life savings on wrong answers and someone who talks down to me in the process.
No Thanks. I'll go to someone who actually cares about their customers and their owners.