Can you say PISSED... So me and boyfriend were up thinking hmmmmm. Lets go here to get lunch and since they were just opening we ASSUMED all the food would be fresh. WRONG!!!! To the Tune of $30.00 my boyfriend comes home with food that must have been left from closing the night before. We were hungover but NOT desperate! I politely called and explained our plight. The Manager said bring it back with your receipt. We took Everything even the Apple pies (Which were actually fresh) but since I wasted Time,Gas,And delayed my family from eating we didn't want ANY of it at this point. The Manager NEVER looked at the food, NEVER apologized, and Heck she NEVER even looked at me.. So we drove an hour to Monroe NC to eat Quincys and all the items were FRESH and $4.75 cheaper... lol I guess we won. My advise for this Popeyes!!! Stay Away At The Top Of The Day!! LoL