| - You've been warned! I was warned..... my friends told me to stay away from this place, but I'm obviously not a good listener. I got excited about the location, but it was all downhill from there. I thought to myself: how bad can it be? Tires and a new front brake-line. Firstly, they did the job right. Trust me, after dealing with this questionable place, I had it checked by a real mechanic. Their customer service? RUBBISH!
After I initially paid for the parts, I was taken to the service department to make an appointment. I stood there trying to figure out what was taking so long and it turns out that handing a guy a receipt doesn't tip him off that I've already paid for everything. He rang it up and WANTED TO CHARGE ME MORE THAN THE FIRST GUY DID! Same tires, same front brake-line. I re-invited him to look at the receipt I'd just handed him, and told him I had already paid for everything. POOR COMMUNICATION and one guy TRIED TO MAKE EXTRA CASH off of me. We're talking mid-double digits. I STILL gave them my keys. That's on me.
I turned my bike in early Saturday morning because I don't want to drive through this traffic. Wasn't done Saturday, I found out their service department wasn't open on Sunday, and I had to drive to work Monday. I called and left messages, but nobody bothered to call back. Why would they? I'd already given them my bike. I called again later and someone did answer and told me my bike was ready. Yay!
When I showed up to pay for it, before getting a friend to take me to pick it up, I asked they guy why I had to call, and why had nobody called me to let me know the bike was ready. He said someone called me twice on Saturday and left messages. I never got them. Not a call, not a message. MY BIKE SAT THERE THROUGH THE WEEKEND AND NOBODY CALLED ME. This was a week ago and no messages or missed calls have even popped up. I have good service, so I don't think my phone would miss two messages 3 hours apart. This became a point of contention, because the service guy I was talking to kept insisting and mentioning I had been called and messages had been left. I was done and just wanted to get my bike. BUT WAIT! It gets better.
The service turd told me one call was to tell me my bike was having a hard time starting, and when it did, it had difficulty holding an idle. It was instantly suspect. A 2014 R6 that worked fine suddenly stops running in the few hours they laid hands on the bike. My brain was working overtime trying to calculate those odds. I'll just say that it's highly unlikely this would happen. I went out into the blazing heat and waited for a few minutes with nobody bringing me the bike. In that heat, what seemed like forever passed before that same guy WALKED my bike out to me and reminded me about the problems. I told him the likelihood that my bike would suddenly stop working is very low. But he reminded me of the message that was left for me that didn't exist and offered to take my bike back into the shop and run diagnostics.... ON MY DIME. I blew my stack. Something went magically wrong with my bike on their watch and they wanted to charge me to look into it! I told him (yelled to him) a repair shop that breaks my bike while they're fixing it is not touching my bike again and moved it into the parking lot so I could have someone drop me off to get it.
Here's where it gets fun: THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! I put my gear on, thought I was just going to have to hold the throttle open to keep it running, but, when I tried to turn it over, it started right up. I've been riding it for over a week and THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH MY MOTORCYCLE. This [another name for rooster] wanted to WALK my bike back into the garage and charge me to find out what's "wrong" with my motorcycle.
Now I know they're going to reply to this and say it was an honest mistake, or they're still learning, but you need to already know how to talk to customers, know the price of what's in your store, and how to start a motorcycle, before you open a shop. There are only two conclusions any rational person could come up with: 1. They were definitely going to find something "wrong" with my bike to fix at great cost to myself, or 2. RideNow hires mechanics to work on motorcycles who are too dumb to know how to start them. What other explanation could there be?