IF a coupon for 2 free buffets is involved, I give it a 4.
If there's no coupon, then I give this place a 1.
Once in a while, we get a coupon for two free buffets to this place. For free, this place is good. But if anyone paid full price, then I know they're not locals and I feel sorry for them as they make their way to the food.
I rate server service based on how many times they refill my beverage. Almost every time I've gone they've been pretty decent, so I give them a 4.
For value (fine, I'll base it on if someone actually paid) I give it a 1, because I feel this food is fancy cafeteria food.
For ambience I give it a 2. You can only get so much ambience in a buffet.
For overall experience, I rate it a 2.3.
So check your mailbox and if you get your FREE buffet coupons, then visit and enjoy the free meal.
BONUS: It's five minutes away from my house. Three if I hit all the greens and not traffic.