I LOVE FLO!!!!! All of OneBode's products are plant-based and derived from WHOLEFOODS! It can't get any cleaner! We are almost ALL guilty of eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). Cooked, Refined, Artificial, Processed (CRAP) has blocked our systems, and made it difficult for our bodies to process what we consume... and the very reason we eat is to fuel our bodies! FLO is living digestive enzymes, (with probiotics too!) that are natrually occuring inside live fruits and vegetables. When we eat cooked meals (even healthy salmon and broccoli) there aren't any living enzymes that can survive over 118 degrees! This means the food sits in our stomachs and our body works overtime to digest it! There goes all the energy that we needed FROM the food! Its counterproductive. Get some FLO. If you call their office at 888-574-3341, they will likely hook you up with free samples! Nothing synthetic. All plant-based. It's as good as it gets!