By most measures, this is just another casino bar, but its location and high visibility make it a hotspot in spite of OTHER Planet Hollywood bars' advertising and designerly chic; right inside the doors from Las Vegas Blvd, adjacent to the poker room, and near the stairs for the Mezzanine, Extra Lounge probably sees more traffic than the other bars combined.
Saturday nights here are decidedly raucous, with the high prospect of seeing the young mingled with new school celebrities; PH is still really new. Sunday and Monday nights from 9-1, the extra bar serves as a karaoke spot. And Karaoke is what it is... rarely good, but entertaining!
Oh, and one of the most kick@ss Bloody Marys I've ever ever had at 3:15am... & 3:35am... 4:00... 4:10... 4:something... 5:ish...