| - This place is the reason Yelp was invented.
I never loved this place. I just needed a cheap gym membership. There were little things that irked me. The gym is clean for the most part, but the staff is pretty awful. Every time I went there the guy was in the bathroom "supposedly" cleaning, instead he was texting. An hour later, after I worked out, I walk in the bathroom to change and he was still texting - and the bathroom was still dirty!!!! This happened at least twice.
Even so, this place wasn't too bad. Things got bad when trying to cancel.
Granted, the staff was not the reason I wanted to cancel, I honestly just wanted a gym that was 24 hours since I work the evening shift. I read a review on Yelp when I first joined saying how ridiculous this place was to cancel. I asked the lady when registering what the cancellation policy was. 30 days notice, $10 cancellation fee. There was nothing mentioned about $40 for this, $30 for that, money, money, MONEY!
Bro, ain't nobody got time for that.
So keep away! Everything might seem mediocre a first, but things will get bad...real bad.