It used to be for me that there was an excitement in going to the LV somehow the excitement has faded and instead replaced with a sense of dread and frustration. It's great seeing all the high end stores, but the quality of their outlet products are just not up to par. Somehow I was under the impression, at least in the past, that the outlet products are the items that did not sell at the retail store...but now I am sensing that the companies specifically produce lower quality goods for their outlet stores and sell them at a "discount" price. So during this last trip, we went to all the stores we wanted to go, looking for some great after Xmas buys only to be disappointed by the prices and quality. In fact, we checked online for many of the products and found cheaper prices at the company's retail online store. So why deal with the crowds, the pushing, waiting in line to get in stores, and the rude new wave of clientele when you can click some buttons and have it shipped to your house?