I cannot speak for the adult side, but Eyemagination Kids needs to reconsider the woman who usually works there. We went in a year ago for Miraflex glasses and to try on other types. The saleswoman made snarky comments the entire time. We were interested in a type of glasses they didn't have and instead of saying let me show you something similar she would say "oh those kind are junk, they break." Then she proceeded to tell me glasses that were way too big, fit my child. If you don't already know you should not buy glasses for children with "room to grow". A proper fit is when a child's eye is centered in the lens and it fits on the bridge of the nose. She also would say to my five year old "oh those don't look good on her". And she nit picked everything we did "those are not her size" (didn't get up out of her chair and help us) "her glasses are not properly shaped, we would shape them here" " these don't look like they were cut well". Needless to say she wanted to charge us over $300 for a pair of glasses because they don't take insurance. We were able to order the same exact frames online for $70 and pay $20 somewhere our insurance did cover to put the lenses in.
I told myself we wouldn't come back but fast forward a year later and I really wanted to look at a specific brand of glasses that is only sold in Arizona in this store. I figured if we really liked them and the price was reasonable we would just get them there and fill the lenses else where. Well I could not make it through another appointment with the same woman. She remembered us from the previous appointment and instantly said oh look at her glasses they are way too big for her face I would've never fit her in something like that. Meanwhile the size glasses that she had her try on were similar if not larger. She brought this point up more than once after I told her that I am remember which glasses she wanted to put my daughter in. She then continued to nitpick everything I said or did and make snarky comments again. She once again was telling my daughter which glasses did or did not look good on her color wise which is something that she should never do. Why make a child that young self-conscious about the choices they make. That is for the family to decide. She did not have the color frame that I wanted to try on my daughter in store and wanted us to order them. I explained that I would not be buying something that I could not try on my child first. I even asked do you have anything similar? (it's a room of over 200 frames) and her response is just "no" as she continues to not move from her chair. She offered no help or other options, and actually went out of her way to find a picture of the other kind of frame I like to explain why they were not well made. And then before leaving tried to take my daughter's glasses from me so she could "clean them the right way." I've never been spoken down to/corrected so many times in a thirty minute span. If you would like over priced frames with a woman who claims to know it all, when it means spending money at their store, then look no further. If you'd like an honest and kind shopping experience please look anywhere else.